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​​What does the torch of statue of liberty represent?

The torch is a symbol of enlightenment. The Statue of Liberty's torch lights the way to freedom showing us the path to Liberty. Even the Statue's official name represents her most important symbol "Liberty Enlightening the World". The Statue's current replacement torch, added in 1986, is a copper flame covered in 24K gold. It is reflective of the sun's rays in daytime and lighted by 16 floodlights at night. The original torch was removed in 1984 and is currently inside the lobby of the monument.Visitors have not been allowed inside the torch for over a century after a massive explosion.

17:05 28.10.19

​​What is meant by Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodaro is a Time Management method based on 25 minute stretches of focused work broken by 3 to 5 minute breaks and 15 to 30 minute breaks following the completion of four work periods. Each working interval is called a Pomodaro , the Italian word for tomato (plural: pomodori).

12:12 27.10.19

​​What is Polar Vortex?

A Polar Vortex is an upper-level low-pressure area lying near one of the Earth's poles. There are two polar vortices in the Earth's atmosphere, overlying the North and South Poles. Each polar vortex is a persistent, large-scale, low-pressure zone less than 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) in diameter, that rotates counter-clockwise at the North Pole and clockwise at the South Pole (called a cyclone in both cases), i.e., both polar vortices rotate eastward around the poles. As with other cyclones, their rotation is driven by the Coriolis effect. The bases of the two polar vortices are located in the middle and upper troposphere and extend into the stratosphere. Beneath that lies a large mass of cold, dense Arctic air.
During winter, the polar vortex at the North Pole expands, sending cold air southward. This happens fairly regularly and is often associated with outbreaks of cold temperatures in the United States.

17:05 26.10.19

​​What is 4D Printing?

4-dimensional printing (4D printing; also known as 4D bioprinting, active origami, or shape-morphing systems) uses the same techniques of 3D printing through computer-programmed deposition of material in successive layers to create a three-dimensional object. However, 4D printing adds the dimension of transformation over time. It is therefore a type of programmable matter, wherein after the fabrication process, the printed product reacts with parameters within the environment (Humidity, Temperature, etc.) and changes its form accordingly. The ability to do so arises from the near infinite configurations at a micrometer resolution, creating solids with engineered molecular spatial distributions and thus allowing unprecedented multifunctional performance. 4D printing is a relatively new advance in biofabrication technology, rapidly emerging as a new paradigm in disciplines such as bioengineering, materials science, chemistry, and computer sciences.

12:12 25.10.19

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09:09 25.10.19

​​What is Opisometer?

An opisometer, also called a curvimeter, meilograph, or map measurer, is an instrument for measuring the lengths of arbitrary curved lines. A simple opisometer consists of a toothed wheel of known circumference on a handle. The wheel is placed in contact with the curved line to be measured and run along its length.
The instrument is most commonly used to measure the lengths of roads, rivers and other line features on maps. Opisometers designed for this purpose provide scales reading the measured distance in kilometers and miles.

14:02 24.10.19

​​Why does your hair stand on end when you get cold?

Tiny Muscles connected to each hair Follicle contract, causing the skin to bulge and our hairs to stand on end. Back when we were covered in more hair this allowed us to trap as much air as possible which worked as an insulator to battle the cold. It’s also known as experiencing Goosebumps. They also form when you experience a strong emotional feeling, such as extreme fear, sadness, joy, and sexual arousal. Goosebumps may also occur during times of physical exertion, even for small activities, like when you're having a bowel movement.

15:03 23.10.19