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DeCenter – Blockchain and Bitcoin

193.70K -482

DeCenter is the #1 blockchain community in Russia with over 75 000 experts. And this is our channel for English-speaking members. Join our chat – @decenterchat Advertise: https://goo.gl/j5LgoA Founded by @rusvc

PPD: 0.24, PV: 3337, DV: 805, ERR: 1%

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Trade Crypto Now

433.31K -952

In this channel you will find: -Crypto News -Fundamental Analysis - Chart Analysis -Opinions on Altcoins & ICOs Do not blind follow my signals without doing your own research! Admin: @TradeAdmin https://t.me/TradeCryptoNow

Gimme The Coin

104.42K +1.47K

The latest news from the world of cryptocurrencies. Paid promotion: @gqsoul

Wall Street Trader School

102.66K -293

Private Channel/ Promotion ENG @Elizabeth_WST Support Traders: ENG @James_ws RUS @Vlad_burno Atention: Admins never message you first!


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High value and high quality cryptocurrency airdrops ✓ Never miss a free coin airdrop again, join us now: t.me/freecoins24 Promotion & Advertising: @Talha789 or @bearwurz If you have questions, please contact us via email: 📧 contact@freecoins24.io


99.33K +1.02K

Global Crypto Consulting Group. G.C.C.G.™ project is represented by a Professional Highly Qualified Analytical Team of Crypto-Traders. @Premium_Access Premium Services @Crypto_Governments Administration @Promotion_ICO Advertising 🌐 gccg-web.com

Palm Venice Beach

82.52K -440

The Palm Venice Beach Free Channel is dedicated to provide you with the best possible signals Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. I'm not a financial adviser. Always do your own research before Investing. @palmadmin

🎎 Airdrop Ninja 🎎

65.43K +1.09K

Bot developer, Promotion & Advertising ✅ Build bots with complete referral system + spreadsheet ✅ Promotion and advertising ✅ Always legal Airdrops Contact : @Leslie020 @AirdropNinja020 @Leslie0200 @airdropninja0200

Latest publications


Please find the official press release with regard to the upcoming Minter v1.1.0 upgrade at the link provided below:


21:09 28.10.19

📨 #DeCenterDaily

🚀 Search volumes for blockchain-related keywords have skyrocketed in China following President Xi’s remarks.
via The Block

📈 Institutional Bitcoin trading platform Bakkt broke another all-time high in daily trading volume.
via Cointelegraph

👨‍⚖️ The operator of cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex has claimed to be a victim of fraud.
via Bitcoin.com

📢 Tron is set to announce a partnership with a U.S. “mega-corporation” this week.
via ccn

🇯🇵 Huobi Japan has raised USD 4.6 million from a Tokyo-listed financial services provider.
via CoinDesk

15:03 28.10.19

CryptoCaselawMinute No. 58.

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21:09 25.10.19

Apply to Participate in Minter Demo Day

Everyone willing to attend Minter Demo Day should fill out the form below until November 4:

We will select the top 50 teams, e.g., games, services, websites, and channels—namely, those who are engaged in any activity that benefits the network and its users.

18:06 25.10.19

📨 #DeCenterDaily

🇨🇳 China’s President Xi Jinping wants the country to spearhead blockchain innovation.
via The Block

🦅 The New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has extended the fund withdrawal window for Bittrex customers.
via CoinDesk

💵 Since 2009, a whopping USD 11 trillion has been transferred on the Bitcoin network.
via Cointelegraph

🇿🇦 Computer networks in the city of Johannesburg have been under a ransomware attack.
via ccn

🇮🇳 The State Bank of India (SBI) chief believes that crypto regulation is a must.
via Bitcoin.com

15:03 25.10.19

“Any Internet company that has a relatively mature digital payment system, such as WeChat Pay and Alipay, would be threatened by the (Libra) stablecoin if it is ever launched.”

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20:08 24.10.19