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Facts Fever ™

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Railway RRB NTPC, JE, ALP, Group D

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09:09 25.10.19

On average, taller people tend to have larger brains and better cognitive ability than shorter people.


13:01 17.10.19

Thomas Jefferson offered to sell his personal library when the Library of Congress was burned by the British during the War of 1812. He sold them 6487 books from his own
collection, the largest in America at the time.👏
@FactsFever #PresidentFact

12:12 17.10.19

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10:10 17.10.19

The oldest examples of glass are Egyptian beads dating from 12,000 BC.
@FactsFever #GlassFact

19:07 16.10.19

First wave tickets are all sold out!!!!
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19:07 16.10.19

Austrian village of “fking” is particularly popular with
British tourists. A local tour guide said: “The Germans all want to see Mozart’s house in Salzburg; the Americans want to see where The Sound of Music was filmed, but for the British, it’s all about f
@FactsFever #VillageFact

19:07 16.10.19