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Daniel Lesden


Music, podcast, tours, and blog updates from a Psytrance DJ and music producer. Booking and more info: www.daniellesden.com. Personal connect: @dsokolovskiy

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Канал на русском языке

Ребята, я в тестовом режиме завёл канал в Телеграме на русском языке — по просьбам тех, кому сложно читать мои посты на английском. А этот канал, скорее всего, закрою.

Планирую там писать человечнее и живее, включая советы целиком, а не просто ссылки постить — не надо будет переходить в блог и читать там мой корявый английский.

Подписывайтесь и расскажите друзьям: @daniellesden


To my English-speaking followers

Guys, I've made a separate Telegram channel in the Russian language and going to shut down this one. Sorry.

You can still be in touch with my music and the latest updates on my blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube — I'll continue posting on these platforms in English, of course:


13:01 27.12.17

As promised, I added photos from my master class at Audio School in Moscow. More pictures in the blog: https://goo.gl/6ktGms. Photo credit: Daniel Gladyshev

19:07 25.12.17

Kostas Voulgaris from MusicTalk blog reviewed my single Existence, here’s what he writes:

“An ecstatic, riveting track packed with all the goodies every Psytrance fan craves: science fiction/robotic narrative vocals, mechanical effects, underground basslines and infectious leads that get your blood pumping.”

Read his full review here: https://goo.gl/r4e1yw

17:05 25.12.17

Would you continue following my channel if I'd switch it to the Russian language?
anonymous poll

No, I wouldn't understand a thing! – 9
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 56%

Yes, that would be great! – 4
👍👍👍 25%

Whatever, I'm here for music only anyway – 3
👍👍 19%

👥 16 people voted so far.

10:10 25.12.17

I know that many of my Telegram channel's followers are Russian. Well, no surprise if you look at the Telegram demographics and active users distribution by countries, it makes sense.

This makes me wonder, should I write here in the Russian language instead? Russian is my native language as well, so potentially it would allow me to write easier and more frequently.

10:10 25.12.17