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Everyone has heard of the Mona Lisa, but less well-known than Leonardo da Vinci's painting are his notebooks. They show that he was a designer and scientist way beyond his time. He drew his visions of the aeroplane, the helicopter, the parachute, the submarine and the car. It was more than 300 years before many of his ideas were improved upon.


01:01 13.06.18

When Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519, he left behind more than 6,000 journal pages filled with his personal musings @facethenation

01:01 13.06.18

👨‍🚀 Edward White made the first American spacewalk


11:11 09.06.18

😳 View of Earth from Gemini 4 spacecraft


11:11 09.06.18

Astronaut Edward White performed the first American spacewalk during the Gemini 4 mission on June 3, 1965.

Ed White, pilot of the Gemini 4 four-day Earth-orbital mission, floats in the zero gravity of space outside the Gemini 4 spacecraft. Edward wears a specially designed spacesuit; and the visor of the helmet is gold plated to protect him against the unfiltered rays of the sun. He wears an emergency oxygen pack, also. He is secured to the spacecraft by a 25-feet umbilical line and a 23-feet tether line, both wrapped in gold tape to form one cord. In his right hand is a Hand-Held Self-Maneuvering Unit with which he controls his movements in space.


11:11 09.06.18

Edward White became the first American astronaut to walk in space on June 3, 1965, during the Gemini 4 mission @facethenation

11:11 09.06.18

🚀 The launch of Gemini 4 on June 3, 1965. Onboard are astronauts Jim McDivitt and Edward White


11:11 09.06.18