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You're more likely to get a computer virus from visiting religious sites than porn sites, according to research from security firm Symantec. The average number of security threats on religious sites was about 115, compared to porn sites, which carried around 25. @googlefactss #funfact

20:08 28.10.19

Taking photos of an event makes it harder to remember due to a process called "cognitive offloading." Our brain looks for ways to lessen the amount of information it needs to remember, often in the form of technology. @googlefactss #psychology #knowledge

15:03 28.10.19

Half of Americans believe that a British person saying something "with the greatest respect" is a compliment. @googlefactss #funfact

10:10 28.10.19

Most infections from swimming pools and hot tubs are caused by cryptosporidium; a diarrheal disease produced by microscopic parasites that are released from someone's anus and consumed orally by other swimmers. @googlefactss #health

05:05 28.10.19

PRESENTEEISM – the compulsion to spend longer at work than is required or to continue working despite illness. @googlefactss #knowledge

00:12 28.10.19

The "D" in "D-Day" stands for "day." @googlefactss #funfact

18:06 27.10.19

It is estimated that more people die in the USA through a lack of eating nuts and seeds (59,374) than die through consuming too many sugary sodas (51,694). @googlefactss #funfact

10:10 27.10.19