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انتقادات و پیشنهادات: @Sevin_Yazdani تبلیغات: @Ads_shamdooni "شمع‌دونی"شما را از هر کانال‌دیگه بی‌نیاز می‌کنه مرجع محتواهای‌عاشقانه‌و انگیزشیِ‌ناب

Красивые Фотографии и Картинки

77.42K +26

Лучшие фото со всего мира! Подпишись! МУЗЫКА 2019 👉 @Muzik ФИЛЬМЫ ОНЛАЙН 👉 @Movies_bot Связь: @AllFacts

.jpeg | картинки | искусство

73.71K +29

Архив красивых фотографий на тему прекрасного. Реклама/ВП: @astronaut_etc1 (у нас нет менеджеров) Мы в ВК: https://vk.com/jpeg_pictures

Картины. Живопись. Искусство

52.16K +45

Искусство, как и жизнь, слабым не по плечу. Если сильный - заходи. Админ — @neznayca

История одной картины

51.91K -27

У каждой картины есть своя история... Все вопросы — @nikfr0st Менеджер — @yuliyapic Наш уютный чат: @pic_history_chat Наши стикеры: https://t.me/addstickers/pic_history



Архив эстетичных картинок и вдохновляющих цитат! По всем вопросам: @bardoshaa Менеджер по рекламе: @agnessssaa, @yuliamarkina Реклама: @Social_Energy График и прайс: segroup.me Отзывы о рекламе: @reklotz



Здесь есть, над чем подумать! По поводу рекламы - @mary_parhomova

Недавние публикации


The Dark Knight Returns

☁️ Download: https://mega.nz/#F!DtsmAIwb!se1tH-NrIUiIkvBdDyu6ow

Published: February – June 1986
Publisher: DC Comics

Written by: Frank Miller
Inker: Klaus Janson
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Lynn Varley

The Dark Knight Returns (alternatively titled Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) is a 1986 four-issue comic book miniseries starring Batman, written by Frank Miller, illustrated by Miller and Klaus Janson, and published by DC Comics. When the series was collected into a single volume later that year, the story title for the first issue was applied to the entire series. The Dark Knight Returns tells an alternative story of Bruce Wayne, who at 55 years old returns from retirement to fight crime and faces opposition from the Gotham City police force and the United States government. The story introduces Carrie Kelley as the new Robin and culminates with a confrontation against Superman.

16:04 09.02.18

📓 The Dark Knight Returns #1

16:04 09.02.18


☁️Download: https://mega.nz/#F!e08hVTTD!guRoW_G2e18JDWI7Mkc3KA

Creator: Art Spiegelman
Date: 1991
Publisher: Pantheon Books

The Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler’s Europe, and his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father’s story. Maus approaches the unspeakable through the diminutive. Its form, the cartoon (the Nazis are cats, the Jews mice), shocks us out of any lingering sense of familiarity and succeeds in “drawing us closer to the bleak heart of the Holocaust” (The New York Times).

12:12 14.01.18

📓 Maus #1

12:12 14.01.18

📓 The Flinstones #1

10:10 14.01.18

The Flintstones

☁️Download: https://mega.nz/#F!TlUmCZzR!r8nhl1E0-11ONj6pO-zpSQ

Writer: Mark Russell
Artists: Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi
Publisher: DC Comics

Welcome to Bedrock, where Paleolithic humans head to dinner for a taste of artisanal mammoth after shopping at Neandertall & Big Men’s Clothing, where Wilma shows her modern art, and where, if you take a plane, you could literally end up sitting ON the tail section. Join Fred and Barney as Mister Slate sends them on a mission to show some Neanderthals a night on the town in hopes of luring them into this new system called “working for a living.” In Slate’s Quarry, of course. Is Fred’s ship about to come in? Find out when the gang finishes out the evening at the employee hot tub party, where they learn how the one percent lives here in Bedrock, home to the world’s first civilization and the modern stone-age family—The Flintstones. Don’t miss this extra-sized debut issue!

10:10 14.01.18