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Questions can be formed in three ways:

1. By putting the verb before the subject. Only use this method with the following twenty-one verbs: am, is, are, was, were; have, has, had; shall, should; will, would; can, could; may, might; must; need; dare; ought; used.
Examples: Are you ready? Can you write well? Will he come tomorrow? May I go now?

2. By using do, does, did, followed by the subject and then the infinitive (without to). Use this form with all verbs except the twenty-one given above. The word order is: Do (does, did) + SUBJECT + INFINITIVE
Examples: Do you come here every day? Does the child learn English? Did they go to the theatre?

3. By using question words. The question word always begins the question, but the verb must be put before the subject as in questions of types 1 and 2.
Examples: Why are you late? When did you come? Where is it? Whom did you see? Which book do you want? If the question word is the subject of the sentence, put the verb after the subject: Who wrote the letter? Whose dog bit the man?

📢 @Grammarian

09:09 11.02.19
8298 +3

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