/ categories / Cryptocurrencies / @airdropo / post #827

🚀 Airdrop : MarcoPolo Network
💰 Value: 100 + 20 points
💸 100,000 MAP tokens
🛡 Bot ETH
⏰ 5 minutes

📖 Step-by-step guide :
1. Talk with the telegram bot
2. Join telegram
3. Connect with Twitter
4. Verify your email address
5. Submit your eth address which you have created or imported at the app

11:11 14.10.19
65.43K +1.09K

Bot developer, Promotion & Advertising ✅ Build bots with complete referral system + spreadsheet ✅ Promotion and advertising ✅ Always legal Airdrops Contact : @Leslie020 @AirdropNinja020 @Leslie0200 @airdropninja0200