/ categories / Cryptocurrencies / @airdropo / post #829

🚀 Airdrop : Ztranzit
💰 Value : $ 1.6 + $ 1.6
💸 4 ZTNZ for completing task
👥 4 ZTNZ for each referral that completing the tasks
🛡 Bot ETH
⏰ 3 minutes

📖 Step-by-step guide :
1. Talk with the Telegram bot
2. Do some social media tasks

06:06 15.10.19
65.43K +1.09K

Bot developer, Promotion & Advertising ✅ Build bots with complete referral system + spreadsheet ✅ Promotion and advertising ✅ Always legal Airdrops Contact : @Leslie020 @AirdropNinja020 @Leslie0200 @airdropninja0200