/ categories / Education / @studylanguages / post #215

For all who love learn and speak languages.

We have several Telegram chats in different languages. Please, join everyone who is interested. The links are below.

Tenemos varios chats de Telegram en diferentes idiomas. Por favor, uníos a nosotros si estáis interesados. Los enlaces están abajo.

Temos vários chats do Telegram em diferentes idiomas. Por favor, junte-se se estiverem interessados. Os links estão abaixo.

Abbiamo diverse chat di Telegram in diverse lingue. Per favore, unisciti a noi se sei interessato. I collegamenti sono sotto.

У нас есть несколько чатов в Telegram на разных языках. Пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нам, если вам интересно. Ссылки ниже.

🇬🇧 https://t.me/joinchat/Blw4ixV5kgx6aWO8rfBEEQ
🇪🇸 https://t.me/joinchat/Blw4i0gqlYrGNxuO4pxwyQ
🇵🇹 https://t.me/joinchat/Blw4i03u52DH_Iu5-vMlUQ
🇮🇹 https://t.me/joinchat/Blw4i0fPdMXq3t5A-Af4eg
🇷🇺 https://t.me/joinchat/Blw4ixRGp0Z9BgyPE4egfQ

16:04 12.07.19
4154 +2

List of groups and channels for people who learn languages. ATTENTION I promote free ONLY languages channels and groups.