Send your location to this Bot and he will send you the satellite view of it!
We are twins-hostesses in PEP, the project about healthy eating. This is us - 👯, we won’t leave any chance for hunger.
PocketAsBot interact with your Pocket account. You can add and search for links and tags. Inline mode works like a charm
Modeling Fashion Photography Music Dancing Advertising and everything entertainment
TheTimeBot will tell you what time it currently is in any given valid timezone identifier. Maintained by @unreal4u
This bot connects phrases to stickers/gifs, so when someone writes the phrase the bot will send the sitcker/gif
This loan calculator will help you determine the monthly payments on a loan.
Find and play any song or artist! Enter in part of an artist or song name and then click the link to play it.
Use me to query if your email address 📧 has been compromised ☠ in data breaches