5 ways to develop your ideas using linking words:
💡Объяснить или перефразировать свою идею, используя фразы по типу That is to say,.../ In other words,..
One problem in cities is the cost of public transport. That is to say, in big capitals, such as London, the price of using public transport is extremely high.
💡Привести причины ситуации This is mainly because... The reason is...
Today’s children eat more junk food than previous generations of children. This is mainly because their parents have to work hard, and they do not have time to cook.
💡Описать факты, добавить детали. This means.../...sth means that...
One issue about living in a big city is the stress of getting from one place to another. Living in a big city means that it takes at least an hour to commute, which is very tiring and time-consuming.
💡Написать к каким возможным последствиям или результатам может привести дальнейшее развитие ситуации. As a result,.../ and consequently.../ Therefore,...
One problem in cities is the cost of public transport. That is to say, in big capitals, such as London, the price of using public transport is extremely high. As a result, many people end up spending a significant percentage of their income on public transport.
💡Сделать вывод из ситуации For this reason,.../ This is why...
Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. For this reason, it is essential that children eat healthily from an early age.