/ categories / Продажи / @aligoods / post #143

​📖 Safe storage book

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 4.9 (304 orders)
🗣 Trust rating: 91% of customers satisfied with the seller.

🏷 Price: $25.88
ℹ️ Info: It looks like a dictionary, actually it is a place to store extra cash, jewelry, etc. Portable for Traveling. Diversion safes provide the perfect hiding place and allow you easy access to your valuables. Sturdy metal construction.
📐 Size: |L|
📚 Types of secret books: «Alice in WonderlandLes», «MiserablesPride» and «Prejudice»

🔎 #home #housekeeping #organization #homestorage #storageboxes #book

08:08 06.08.17

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