/ categories / Лингвистика / @englishTextDaily / post #396

​​Is being single bad for your health?

Сложность: #intermediate
Тема: #psyhology

furthermore – более того
benefits - преимущества
overweight – избыточный вес

It is sometimes argued that being in a relationship can offer health benefits. The research cited in support of this argument says that those who are married are on average healthier than those who are not.
However, the situation is likely to be much more complex than this. For example, it is not clear whether being in a relationship offers health benefits or whether there are other explanations for this association.
Furthermore, whereas being in a relationship may be linked to certain health advantages, it could bring health risks too. Research suggests, for example, that people who are married are more likely to be overweight than those who are not.
Finally, one size does not fit all. Whereas being in a happy relationship may bring certain advantages, being in a dysfunctional one is unlikely to do so.

18:06 04.10.18
176 -2

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