Золотое правило написания эссе!
Стандартное эссе состоит из 5 параграфов, содержимое которых можно описать в следующей забавной форме:
Paragraph 1: In this essay, I will demonstrate to you that the cat is on the mat.
Paragraph 2: There is a cat.
Paragraph 3: There is a mat.
Paragraph 4: Guess where the cat is? Precisely! She’s on the mat.
Paragraph 5: See? I told you the cat was on the mat the whole time.
Кстати, банк тем эссе к Analytical Writing Assignment здесь: https://www.mba.com/global/the-gmat-exam/gmat-exam-format-timing/analytical-writing-assessment/analysis-of-an-argument.aspx