Words: 161-170
Topic: #Tourism
📌 accessible - adj , reachable, easy to get - доступный, достижимый
📌 adventurous - adj., daring, willing to try new or dangerous activities - авантюрный, рискованный
📌 archeologist - n., a person who studies ancient cultures - археолог
📌 ceremonial - adj., related to traditional or formal practices - церемониальный, обрядовый
📌 construct - v., to build - строить
📌 draw - v., to attract, pull - привлечь, тянуть
📌 imagination - n., the ability to think creatively, form pictures in the mind - воображение
📌 institute - v., to start, put in place - учреждать, основывать
📌 luxury - n., something expensive and desirable but unnecessary - роскошный
📌 marvel - n., a wondetful thing - диво, чудо
04:04 21.08.18