/ categories / Блоги / @oh_fck / post #11952

[Oct 23: Protest against Police Abuse of Police Dogs]

"Police Dogs are not Weapon"

Citizens protested against the police mistreat of police dogs. During the police nonstop shooting of tear gas rounds on October 21 in Yuen Long, police dogs were left unprotected.

Animal rights activists comdemned the police and stated the harmful effects on anomals upon the exposure to tear gas.

Photo: Kevin Cheng @ USP United Social Press

14:02 24.10.19
4106 -5

Амбивалентное отношение, колеблющееся между здоровым индивидуализмом и упорным издевательством над мнением окружающих ♀ Шлю сердечки @priut50pets 🐾