/ categories / Наука и образование / @thesaurustreasury / post #16

Riposte [ri-ˈpōst]
1. A fencer's quick return thrust after parrying a lunge
2. A quick, sharp retaliatory return in speech or action

● Usage:
He swiftly riposted the attack, thrusting with his weapon towards the opponent's chest.
Her own comment yesterday was the perfect riposte.

First known use: early 18th century. In the sport of fencing, a riposte is a counterattack made after a successfull parry. This word was borrowed from French in the 18th century. It was a modification of an Italian word risposta, which means answer.
Ultimately these words come from the Latin verb respondēre meaning to respond.

14:02 28.08.17

Learning new words, their meaning and etymology Author: @lemhell">@lemhell Узнаем новые слова, их значение и происхождение По всем вопросам: @lemhell">@lemhell