/ categories / Technology / @AndroidResId / post #131

Starting August 1, 2019, your apps published on Google Play will need to support 64-bit architectures.



🙄 How to test your app?

:: Command Line
# A successful install:
> adb install --abi arm64-v8a YOURAPKFILE.apk Success

# If your APK does not have the 64-bit libraries:
> adb install --abi arm64-v8a YOURAPKFILE.apk adb: failed to install YOURAPKFILE.apk
: Failure [INSTALLFAILEDNOMATCHINGABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]

# If your device does not support 64-bit, an emulator, for example:
> adb install --abi arm64-v8a YOURAPKFILE.apk
ABI arm64-v8a not supported on this device

#GooglePlay #arm

12:12 17.07.19
8534 +6

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