/ categories / Technology / @hwebdev / post #690

What are React Hooks?

#React Hooks were introduced at React Conf October 2018 as a way to use state and side-effects in React function components. Whereas function components have been called functional stateless components (FSC) before, they are finally able to use state with React Hooks. Therefore, many people refer to them as function components now. Continue reading

Creating a REST API with Express.js and PostgreSQL

#Node + #Express + #PostgreSQL is a powerful tech stack for backend applications to offer CRUD operations. It gives you everything to expose an API (Express routes), to add business logic (Express middleware and logic within Express routes), and to use real data with a database (PostgreSQL). It’s perfect for establishing a PERN (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node), PEAN (PostgreSQL, Express, Angular, Node), or PEVN (PostgreSQL, Express, Vue, Node) tech stack. Continue reading

09:09 15.03.19
1506 +2

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