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Loss function porn

7043 +21

There are three things you can watch forever: fire, water and descending loss function. Send your sexy loss functions and beauties of data science to @karfly or @vlivashkin. 💭 Discussion chat: @loss_function_chat 🔴 Live channel: @loss_function_live

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Wow, you're over 7k! This is very impressive – thank you.

We have 3 announcements:

1. We're launching a live version of the channel to post interesting stuff from the ongoing conferences: @lossfunctionlive. ICCV 2019 (Seoul, South Korea) starts tomorrow and we’ll be there to share the hottest CV research with you 🔥

If you are also attending ICCV...

2. We plan to meet at some bar/restaurant near the ICCV venue to chat about AI and more. All the details will be posted in the discussion chat soon: @lossfunctionchat 🍻

3. I would be happy if you could visit my oral presentation of the paper "Learnable Triangulation of Human Pose" (Friday, Nov 1, 09:00 Oral 4.1A, Hall D1). BTW, we've recently released the code: github.com/karfly/learnable-triangulation-pytorch (give it some stars! ⭐️).

11:11 26.10.19

OpenAI showed a dexterous human-like robot hand solving Rubik's Cube. Trained entirely in simulation with so-called Automatic Domain Randomization.
🔎 openai.com/blog/solving-rubiks-cube
📉 @lossfunctionporn

07:07 17.10.19

Tencent Video (>97m paying users) signed a two-year exclusive contract with Mirriad to natively integrate ads into videos. The future is knocking the door.
🔎 mirriad.com
📉 @lossfunctionporn

08:08 16.10.19

Evolutionary optimization of squishy creatures.
📝 nature.com/articles/s42256-019-0102-8.epdf
📉 @lossfunctionporn

09:09 10.10.19

AdaptIS – new instance segmentation method from my Samsung AI Center colleagues. It works with highly overlapping objects of complex shapes, where detection-based algorithms fail.
🔎 github.com/saic-vul/adaptis
📝 arxiv.org/abs/1909.07829
📉 @lossfunctionporn

07:07 07.10.19

Visual exploration of deep learning loss landscapes. True Loss Function Porn.
🔎 losslandscape.com
📉 @lossfunctionporn

10:10 04.10.19

SPIRAL++: improved RL-powered neural painter. The agent draws both abstract and realistic paintings.
🔎 learning-to-paint.github.io
📝 arxiv.org/abs/1910.01007
📉 @lossfunctionporn

07:07 04.10.19