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21.01K +39

Этот канал для тех, кто изучает или просто любит английский. Админ @neznayca

PPD: 0.12, PV: 3846, DV: 471, ERR: 18%

ТОП каналов

Английский с нуля

210.19K +814

Учите английский язык самостоятельно и бесплатно По рекламе: @quechulo, @Pr_Bilrot Помощник: @PR_Misha, @Akiw_Kudawev (оплату не принимают)

Английский язык 🇬🇧

122.22K -27

Реклама: @Social_Energy График и прайс: socialeg.ru

английский для дебилов

101.40K -12

готовимся к егэ, переезду в другую страну, бизнес английский, экспресс-курс для тебя дебила для связи: @deadbutfab для серьезной связи: deadbutfab@yahoo.com я все делаю один, можете меня поддержать: https://www.patreon.com/deadbutfab

Slang Bang! / Слэнг Бэнг!

73.96K -18

Публикуем английские выражения, которых не найти в учебниках! Наши стикеры: bit.ly/stickersbang Другие каналы команды Мастридера: @mustreads, @mustwatch, @cultpop, @yourcareer, @yojob, @godnoplease По рекламе: @daniltann Редакция: mazdrid@gmail.com

Как это переводится, Чувак?

62.48K +19

Самый веселый способ учить английский язык. Сленг, жаргон, неологизмы... Каждый день мы публикуем новые слова. Размещение рекламы: @steriopoLov85 ВП: @PR_max7chuk Интересное чтиво: @zachit Мой киноканал: @dudefilm

🇬🇧 Английский 🇬🇧

55.44K +2

Изучение английского языка по темам Admin - @Chesh1re


36.32K -38

Классный журнал учителя Английского :) Рассказываю про английский по порядку, от простого к сложному. Автор - @Yourillusion По рекламе - @timonoriginal (Пишите только перейдя по этой ссылке, появилось много мошенников)

Недавние публикации


Sunset by Arnaba Saha

I stood near hill cliff till I saw the sun sinking in the horizon into dusk. I shouldn't be here I know. Everybody is expecting me at home. Still this red, orange sun which blends in strange melange of golden hue entrapped my imagination and I was compelled to stay there. I tried to remember the last time I saw a sunset.

It was when I came to this same place with grandma six years ago. I so used to enjoy my visit to this place with her. I remember how it used to elate me to see the smile on her face while she endlessly stared at the sunset till the sun buried in the skyline. Her face lit up with that strange melange of golden hue. It was the most cherished site of my life. She once said that she would love to die watching this picturesque moment. Who knew her wish was going to be true someday.

One day while returning from the hill cliff she had a stroke. Even before she could reach the hospital she died. This came as a shock to me. I couldn't even cry that day. The person around whom my whole world stood was no more.

Since then hatred was itched in my mind for this place. Yet, today, I found myself compelled to come to this very hillside again. This hill side reminded me of her. Here I sensed her presence. This sunset reminded me of her smile. I vividly could visual the golden smile that this sunset brought on her wrinkled face.

I know she is no more yet her memories will be with me forever. Because everyday this sun would set and would remind me of her lively smile.

Slowly and gradually this golden hue turned into a mix of blue and purple and I came back from my reminiscence. I started walking towards the slope which headed towards my home.

06:06 27.10.19

Читая в первый раз хороший канал, мы испытываем то же чувство, как при приобретении нового друга. Вновь прочитать тот же канал — значит вновь увидеть старого друга:

@dudeFilm — Рекомендации в стиле "какой фильм посмотреть

@biblio — Читайте короткие рассказы и впечатляйте людей своим интеллектом и кругозором

@kartiny — Ни в коем случае не открывайте эту ссылку если вы не любите искусство

@classmus — Познавательный канал о классической музыке

@shkolamishlenia — Весёлые загадки, занимательные задачи и хитро... головоломки

@truforester — Атмосферный канал, который приятно читать и не менее приятно смотреть

@showgraphic — О сериалах в формате инфографики. Что посмотреть, съесть и выпить

@mansoznanie — Как только вы прочтёте хотя бы один пост - станет ясно, как нами манипулируют

17:05 26.10.19

The Pig Brother by Laura E. Richards

THERE was once a child who was untidy. He left his books on the floor, and his muddy shoes on the table; he put his fingers in the jam-pots, and spilled ink on his best pinafore; there was really no end to his untidiness.

One day the Tidy Angel came into his nursery.

“This will never do!” said the Angel. “This is really shocking. You must go out and stay with your brother while I set things to rights here.”

“I have no brother!” said the child.

“Yes, you have!” said the Angel. “You may not know him, but he will know you. Go out in the garden and watch for him, and he will soon come.”

“I don’t know what you mean!” said the child; but he went out into the garden and waited.

Presently a squirrel came along, whisking his tail.

“Are you my brother?” asked the child.

The squirrel looked him over carefully.

“Well, I should hope not!” he said. “My fur is neat and smooth, my nest is handsomely made, and in perfect order, and my young ones are properly brought up. Why do you insult me by asking such a question?”

He whisked off, and the child waited.

The Pig Brother, frontisPresently a wren came hopping by.

“Are you my brother?” asked the child.

“No indeed!” said the wren. “What impertinence! You will find no tidier person than I in the whole garden. Not a feather is out of place, and my eggs are the wonder of all for smoothness and beauty. Brother, indeed!” He hopped off, ruffling his feathers, and the child waited.

By and by a large Tommy Cat came along.

“Are you my brother?” asked the child.

“Go and look at yourself in the glass,” said the Tommy Cat haughtily, “and you will have your answer. I have been washing myself in the sun all the morning, while it is clear that no water has come near you for a long time. There are no such creatures as you in my family, I am humbly thankful to say.”

He walked on, waving his tail, and the child waited.

Presently a pig came trotting along.

The child did not wish to ask the pig if he were his brother, but the pig did not wait to be asked.

“Hallo, brother!” he grunted.

“I am not your brother!” said the child.

“Oh, yes, you are!” said the pig. “I confess I am not proud of you, but there is no mistaking the members of our family. Come along, and have a good roll in the barnyard! There is some lovely black mud there.”

“I don’t like to roll in mud!” said the child.

“Tell that to the hens!” said the pig brother. “Look at your hands, and your shoes, and your pinafore! Come along, I say! You may have some of the pig-wash for supper, if there is more than I want.”

“I don’t want pig-wash!” said the child; and he began to cry.

Just then the Tidy Angel came out.

“I have set everything to rights,” she said, “and so it must stay. Now, will you go with the Pig Brother, or will you come back with me, and be a tidy child?”

“With you, with you!” cried the child; and he clung to the Angel’s dress.

The Pig Brother grunted.

“Small loss!” he said. “There will be all the more wash for me!” and he trotted on.

07:07 26.10.19

The Story of A Fierce Bad Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter

This is a fierce bad Rabbit; look at his savage whiskers and his claws and his turned-up tail.

This is a nice gentle Rabbit. His mother has given him a carrot.

The bad Rabbit would like some carrot.

He doesn't say "Please." He takes it!

And he scratches the good Rabbit very badly.

The good Rabbit creeps away and hides in a hole. It feels sad.

This is a man with a gun.

He sees something sitting on a bench. He thinks it is a very funny bird!

He comes creeping up behind the trees.

And then he shoots--BANG!

This is what happens--

But this is all he finds on the bench when he rushes up with his gun.

The good Rabbit peeps out of its hole . . .

. . . and it sees the bad Rabbit tearing past--without any tail or whiskers!

16:04 24.10.19

​Учишь английский и другие языки? С какой целью?
Чтобы просто выучить? Для галочки?

А что если я скажу тебе, что ты можешь использовать свои навыки по полной программе.
Использовать их так, чтобы другие завидовали. Ведь ты можешь помогать русскоязычным предпринимателям по всему миру находить клиентов, сотрудников, инвесторов и партнеров.

С проблемой выбора ниши столкнулся один из моих учеников. Он работал менеджером на работе и долгие месяцы искал бизнес для себя. И понимал, что работать уже в заезженной теме - очень большие риски. Пока не наткнулся на наш бесплатный вебинар, где мы показали уникальную нишу, научили и показали как на этом зарабатывать. Теперь у него свое агентство международного продвижения и самое сложное позади, потому что есть поддержка от нашей команды.

Проблему выбора ниши в интернет-бизнесе можно решить. И мы ее решили. То, что не очевидно всем, что скрыто от глаз многих, но при этом работает и дает классные результаты. Мы 3 года продвигали свои компании на международных рынках в США, Европе и Австралии. И находили себе клиентов на крупные миллионные заказы через социальную сеть LinkedIn. Теперь пришло время поделиться этим знанием и технологией с российскими предпринимателями. Именно на этом вы сможете зарабатывать.

Ваше агентство будет заниматься поиском клиентов, партнеров, инвесторов для российских компаний и предпринимателей (живущих зарубежом) по всему миру. Продвижение осуществляется через соц.сеть LinkedIn, самой крупной бизнес-сети во всем мире.

Начните с просмотра бесплатного вебинара - там мы научим и покажем, что и как мы делаем. Пишите в телегу в личку @DmitriyToymurzin">@DmitriyToymurzin чтоб получить ссылку. Именно с этого просто шага начнется путь к вашей цели - открыть бизнес в уникальной нише с хорошим доходом и при этом работать удаленно и использовать свои навыки иностранных языков!

Если после просмотра вебинара вы увидите в этом смысл - я отправлю вам пакет материалов. И вы сможете принять решение об открытии бизнеса. И далее мы организуем для вас бизнес под ключ - вы получите готовый сайт, клиентов, портфолио и технологию работы. Поддержка до вашего результата с гарантией. Все технические детали и подробности уже при предметном разговоре.

Пишите в личку @DmitriyToymurzin">@DmitriyToymurzin, чтобы записаться на вебинар и получить пакет материалов (финансовый план, примеры, шаблоны договора, мини-книгу и тп) БЕСПЛАТНО.

07:07 22.10.19

A Young Turkish Catastrophe
by H.H. Munro (SAKI)

The Minister for Fine Arts (to whose Department had been lately added the new sub-section of Electoral Engineering) paid a business visit to the Grand Vizier. According to Eastern etiquette they discoursed for a while on indifferent subjects. The minister only checked himself in time from making a passing reference to the Marathon Race, remembering that the Vizier had a Persian grandmother and might consider any allusion to Marathon as somewhat tactless. Presently the Minister broached the subject of his interview.

"Under the new Constitution are women to have votes?" he asked suddenly.

"To have votes? Women?" exclaimed the Vizier in some astonishment. "My dear Pasha, the New Departure has a flavour of the absurd as it is; don't let's try and make it altogether ridiculous. Women have no souls and no intelligence; why on earth should they have votes?"

"I know it sounds absurd," said the Minister, "but they are seriously considering the idea in the West."

"Then they must have a larger equipment of seriousness than I gave them credit for. After a lifetime of specialised effort in maintaining my gravity I can scarcely restrain an inclination to smile at the suggestion. Why, out womenfolk in most cases don't know how to read or write. How could they perform the operation of voting?"

"They could be shown the names of the candidates and where to make their cross."

"I beg your pardon?" interrupted the Vizier.

"Their crescent, I mean," corrected the Minister. "It would be to the liking of the Young Turkish Party," he added.

"Oh, well," said the Vizier, "if we are to do the thing at all we may as well go the whole h- " he pulled up just as he was uttering the name of an unclean animal, and continued, "the complete camel. I will issue instructions that womenfolk are to have votes."

* * *

The poll was drawing to a close in the Lakoumistan division. The candidate of the Young Turkish Party was known to be three or four hundred votes ahead, and he was already drafting his address, returning thanks to the electors. His victory had been almost a foregone conclusion, for he had set in motion all the approved electioneering machinery of the West. He had even employed motorcars. Few of his supporters had gone to the poll in these vehicles, but, thanks to the intelligent driving of his chauffeurs, many of his opponents had gone to their graves or to the local hospitals, or otherwise abstained from voting. And then something unlooked-for happened. The rival candidate, Ali the Blest, arrived on the scene with his wives and womenfolk, who numbered, roughly, six hundred. Ali had wasted little effort on election literature, but had been heard to remark that every vote given to his opponent meant another sack thrown into the Bosphorus. The Young Turkish candidate, who had conformed to the Western custom of one wife and hardly any mistresses, stood by helplessly while his adversary's poll swelled to a triumphant majority.

"Cristabel Columbus!" he exclaimed, invoking in some confusion the name of a distinguished pioneer; "who would have thought it?"

"Strange," mused Ali, "that one who harangued so clamorously about the Secret Ballot should have overlooked the Veiled Vote."

And, walking homeward with his constituents, he murmured in his beard an improvisation on the heretic poet of Persia:

"One, rich in metaphors, his Cause contrives To urge with edged words, like Kabul knives; And I, who worst him in this sorry game, Was never rich in anything but--wives."

07:07 22.10.19

​Культурный марафон на Яндекс.Учебнике

Яндекс.Музыка и Учебник при поддержке правительства запустили классный образовательный проект — «Культурный марафон».

Это сценарии и медиа-материалы вовлекающих интерактивных уроков для детей и подростков. Уроки можно провести как в школе, в классе, так и дома, в семье. Провести их может любой учитель или родитель — достаточно просто скачать готовые материалы.

Уроки рассказывают школьникам о мировой и российской культуре актуальным языком на понятных и близких детям примерах. Есть уроки по музыке, кино, театру и архитектуре.

Важно, что уроки марафона построены вокруг проектов, то есть вовлекающей практики. Подробности тут: https://education.yandex.ru/culture

13:01 21.10.19